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Most frequent questions and answers

STUCCO does not maintain a waiting list so there is no guarantee of when you might be able to move in. When a vacancy arises, you will be notified and asked to come for an interview. The members of the unit will then decide based on this interview whether you are the right person for that unit.

STUCCO is centrally concerned with providing affordable housing for low-income students. We consider the need for such housing in terms of short- and long-term stresses, including financial details, family situation, and the effects of discrimination resultant from racial background, gender, sexuality, and so on. At least 60% of residents must be eligible for community housing. We also consider how engaged people may be with cooperative values and organising, as well as their understanding of how STUCCO works – hence why you should come to more than the minimum three meetings! Interviews are difficult, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get in when you try.

Each room comes unfurnished, so you will have to provide all your own furniture. Details about the rest of the units are described on the About us page. Each room is a little bit different from each, but you can fit a double-bed, shelving, and a desk with relative ease.

Yes. You are welcome to come to meetings, although you will not be eligible to move in until the vacation before the semester when your course starts.

Residents of STUCCO must be full time students due to regulations stipulated by the University. Although, you may live here while studying part-time is you are registered with Usyd Disability Services

You are welcome to submit an application online immediately. However, you will need to attend three meetings in order to get a sense of what STUCCO is about before being eligible for an in-person interview.

These can be attended via zoom

Depends. Small animals that only need contained spaces – definitely. Larger animals (including cats and dogs) are generally not allowed. This is because some members, current or future, may have allergies or fears of such animals. However, we do not prohibit animals who are also registered as mental health pets. While these are usually dogs, they do not have to be. See MindDog for more info on the law surrounding assistance animals – landlords cannot prohibit or refuse accommodation to people with assistance animals on the basis of that person having a pet.

Generally, no. It is hard to predict when people move out. We usually will have some spots open up in between semesters (June-July) and a fair few towards the end of summer (January-February). Others will sometimes come up sporadically during semester. We will contact all eligible applicants when we know we are organising interviews.

STUCCO is not like a college – you do not have to vacate your room during the break. We still have meetings and it is a good idea to come to these if you haven’t been to three meetings in the last year.

Yes, although it is good to get in touch with us first. The best time to do this is when we have meetings. General meetings are held in the courtyard or hall, and people will often be around before or after to answer questions and show you around.

Unfortunately, we are only able to accept Australian citizens and permanent residents as members. This is because we are considered community housing and so must adhere to the relevant legislation set by the state and federal governments.

STUCCO is strictly University of Sydney accommodation, so we are unable to accept applicants from other educational institutions.

The best method of contact is Email. Otherwise we do check our facebook messages regularly and will have a landline phone number available soon!

All contact information is available here.